Mar 1, 2010

Sayings that will teach you well

life is what you make it, but they never say that in time
never trust people who call themselvs your uncle
if a man whhispers the song 'thriller' or 'twist and shout' youre obviously dreaming
youre pants are on fire
ha ha made you look
never ask anyone if they got 'back'
ifyoure wondering what 'back' is, lookin the dictionary, FOOL!!
never call people fools
is that a hotdog?
chew gum in school, but dont chew bum in pool
think twice before you watch 'happy tree friends'
think twice before any blood and gore, especially 'happy tree friends'
if you want to cheat, cheat quick while no one is looking
rinse and repeat
stop drop and roll
look left look right, cross
monkey poop can harm you more ways than one
there is no weapon of mass destruction in iraq
its never too late to watch the simpsons
look up, look down, look at my thumb
gee youre dumb
seven seas, seven wonders of the world, but no $7 off pizza
beware of trimming oldies toenails
when you type this fast, eat your meds
oil is secrely increasing in the middle east
no matter how you spell weirdly, you wont get a correct answer for explaining in your own words
triple double fudge is a bad idea
blippity bloppity bloo, may i rip your head off too?
sick people have no sense of humor
follow me
leave britney alone
tie your shoelacesbe free, but not naked

This was all done by Carlos (a guy in my class, his blog is called ,ghostpoo101carlos)

I wanna add my own saying

cheat, get caught, lie


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