Nov 29, 2009


look at my previous post if you don't know what I'm talking about,


what is the real color of Lady Gaga's hair?
a) blonde
b) brown
c) red

what is the name of this song?
a) My lifes gonna suck without you
b)My life would suck without you
c) My life sucks without you

what are the words to this song and who is it by?
a) Linda Shears - Operater
b) britney spears - Radar
c) Crispy toast - Microwaver

Who did micheal jackson first marry?
a) a random lady
b) Lisa Marie Presley
c) Donna McHay

When is the birthday of Miley Cyrus (PS: I don't like Miley or anything but she's like, so famous i had to put at least one miley question)?
a) 23 July
b)23 November
c)23 december

Where did Miley Cyrus have her birthday?
a) a cool disco club with lights and thingys
b) Disney Land
c) Disney Land in Tokyo

What are the names of Micheal Jackson's sons?
a) Blankie and Prince
b)Blanket and Prince Micheal
c) Princey and Saviong Blanc

What Channel is trying to take over the world?
a) Disney
b) Disney Channel
c) Demi Lovato

Who's dating who?
a) Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart
b) Taylor Lautner and selena gomez
c) Robert Pattinson and Selena Gomez

How old was taylor lautner when they filmed 'Sharkboy and Lavagirl' ?

And Finally...How old Is Edward Cullen from the movie twilight?

b) 109
c) 111

thanks fo taking it i will tell the answers next post :)

Nov 26, 2009

Gnisufnoc Tsop

You may realise the header of this post is backwards, thats because it's the:
ou must confuse as many people as you can as quick as possible. In any way. I've decided to use my blog as a confusion place where you get confused easily for the next three posts. I will start with school subjects.

I'm gonna start with this easily hard math problem backwards: (10 points)

45555555.14=11x777777777.3=9 yb dedivid (7+2) + (5x5)

I'd love to see you try decode that one!

check out this one: English (7 points)

The painter painted eighteen paintings for Penny Pokko
Penny Pokko gave the painter eighteen pennies for paintings of poodles.
The painter took the eighteen pennies from Penny Pokko for oodles of poodle paintings Penny payed for. Penny payed The Painter to paint Poodle Paintings for eighteen Pennies on the eighteenth of April.

say this super fast and put the video link in the comments section for the video!
and for extra points, count the amount of P's! (3 extra points)

8 9 7 6 4 ?

and lastly: Chinese, French or Japanese - (20 points, japanese People no cheating same for french people and chinese!)

Chinese: Translate - wo ke ai isabella's blog!
Extra Points for chinese - do you know this traditional chinese holdiay?
(When you want to eat) Ghost (A type of date) , It is during August.

Japanese: Translate - omai no kasan debeso (I don't mean this as it is!!!)
Extra Points for Japanese - come up with the cutest japanese names possible
(5 extra)

French: Translate - Bonjour, Je'mappelle isabella. Salut Sava?
Extra points in french - what is the french Name here and can you identify the other languages?

Madeline, Kazumi , Mei Lu, Isabelle, Lara (5 extra)

I hope you get points! Point checking date december 5th, don't be late!

Nov 25, 2009

Story from Suzy's blog comments!!!!

Now, Alice and Mr. Daleson didn't get along so Alice had a few plans to make Mr. Daleson Move out. Mr. Daleson was old and no one really liked him alot. Mr.Daleson had three grown up boys that didn't visit anymore and a dead wife. He lived in a little room off the side of the house with the two other families. He was the great uncle of the landlady. He Normally woke up at eight o clock and cooked his sasauges and fried mash potatoes. He ate until Alice got up and then slipped into Mrs. Yuki's Shower and took a bath using her japanese cupcake shampoo.
He would get dressed and then take his place mowing his share of the lawn until it was dirt. Then he would plant a flower and watch it grow until Alice got home. Then he would say: "GEDDOFFMYLAWNIZZYSON!" as alice's carpool gang pulled up in there surburban van. Then alice would say, "I'm not on your crummy lawn Mr. Daleson it isn't much of a lawn anyway." She would hug her boyfriend and the van would drive of with the sliding van door open.
Alice had a big plan: To make Mr. Daleson go to an old home. Alice started to make things happen in the house that would make Mr. Daleson look like he needed to be sent somewhere special. She wrote on the household calender that he'd had his birthday.

all for now, i have to leave no byyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!

I'm coming MUM!

2ne1, Lady gaga and the Twilight Soundrack

Shaz, Matilde Suzuno, Manami and ME!
We love these music writers and these are our favorite songs from their selection:
The Fire
Poker Face
Love Game
Just Dance


I have never written a song before so I'll give it a go:

Diet Coke (By Isabella)

I'm takin diet coke,
it ain't no other diet coke
it's coca cola,
the diet soda,
and I'm takin it fresh!

If you can, grab one and,
Drink it Fizzy!

diet coke is bad for you,
the sugar's fake, it's bad for you,
no diet cola,
ain't the healthy soda,
and real coke is better!

If you can, grab some and,
fizzy in you're face! SHAKE IT!


That was a bad song,
anyway, BYE! :)

PS: Leave a comment saying you're favorite song, and I'll write something about it.

Nov 23, 2009

If you ever thought about me.

another poem:

If you ever thought about me,
I might have been your friend,
If you ever kissed,
we'd be mates until the end.

I you'd ever proposed to me,
it've been a dream come true,
but if you hadn't saw me,
i would have never thought about you.

COME HERE! Look at this post!

What was your most embarassing moment ever!
Leave me a comment and i might make a video about it!


Nov 21, 2009

My friends blogs

If you like my blog, check out my friends! :)


Stuck at home sucking throat lozenges...

I've been off school for two days and I'm stuck at home with the seasonal flu taking disgusting medicine and sucking orange flavored throat lozenges (Not tasty either).

I've also been watching youtube videos and a few of them are really amazing.

Check out this one for me:

Bye for now!!! :P

Nov 18, 2009

Skype me!!!!!!

Last night i was on skype with my friend, Blanche, and she was taking photos of all my cool affects on my new webcam. It was so funny. then i had to eat dinner. did i tel you yesterday was my birthday??? well, it was and dad made steak and peppersauce with mashed potatoes and beans. wehn i called her back, she was in bed!!! So i skyped my other friend (Alex) and she kept hanging up on me so i didn't know what to do.

This morning wehn i was on the bus on the back of the seat in front of me there were all these dirty words (I won't say) and it freaked me out (Freaky, right?).

I can't write much more because its almost the end of computer class, so BYE!!!!!!!! XD

Nov 15, 2009

It's my birthday!

Hey guys!
It isn't really my birthday but i had my party yesterday!
The most fun part was the helium balloons but all of my friends took them all and left none for poor Suzy. She arrived late because she got to meet the president of Japans wife at her supplemental school (JSS) and had to miss out on my party, but she got to sleep over with my friend Saffdee too! Saffdee fell out of bed at five in the morning (we think...) and suzuno heard her going, "Woah!Woah! wooooooooh...!" when she feel out of bed. Suzuno said she dreamt of a dog barking, probably Saffdee!

Thats all for now,
Thanx, Bella.

Nov 13, 2009

The right one

The other day i was in my room,
looking for my phone,
when i saw a midget,
it's eyes glittered and shone.

The midget was wearing a green suit,
with loafers and a green bow tie,
it had red hair and little black pipe,
and sunglasses, like a spy.

He ran away all of the sudden,
he left me there, with my little heart thudding.

I closed my eyes and in my mind he shone,
I wondered if he might be the right one.

so i ran after him, panting and puffing.
He said "i hate you" and i thought he was bluffing.

so i jumped into his arms, my spirit wild,
and insted of shouting, he showed me his smile :)

Nov 11, 2009

Essential Agreement for being a Principled blogger.

I will:
Be responsible for anything posted in my name.
Say where i got my information from.
Only use my first name.
Not post personal information about other people.
Keep my content school appropriate.
Only link to appropriate websites.
Share my opinion by agreeing of respectfully disagreeing with others.
Not saying anything i wouldn't say in school.
Try to use corret spelling.