Nov 26, 2009

Gnisufnoc Tsop

You may realise the header of this post is backwards, thats because it's the:
ou must confuse as many people as you can as quick as possible. In any way. I've decided to use my blog as a confusion place where you get confused easily for the next three posts. I will start with school subjects.

I'm gonna start with this easily hard math problem backwards: (10 points)

45555555.14=11x777777777.3=9 yb dedivid (7+2) + (5x5)

I'd love to see you try decode that one!

check out this one: English (7 points)

The painter painted eighteen paintings for Penny Pokko
Penny Pokko gave the painter eighteen pennies for paintings of poodles.
The painter took the eighteen pennies from Penny Pokko for oodles of poodle paintings Penny payed for. Penny payed The Painter to paint Poodle Paintings for eighteen Pennies on the eighteenth of April.

say this super fast and put the video link in the comments section for the video!
and for extra points, count the amount of P's! (3 extra points)

8 9 7 6 4 ?

and lastly: Chinese, French or Japanese - (20 points, japanese People no cheating same for french people and chinese!)

Chinese: Translate - wo ke ai isabella's blog!
Extra Points for chinese - do you know this traditional chinese holdiay?
(When you want to eat) Ghost (A type of date) , It is during August.

Japanese: Translate - omai no kasan debeso (I don't mean this as it is!!!)
Extra Points for Japanese - come up with the cutest japanese names possible
(5 extra)

French: Translate - Bonjour, Je'mappelle isabella. Salut Sava?
Extra points in french - what is the french Name here and can you identify the other languages?

Madeline, Kazumi , Mei Lu, Isabelle, Lara (5 extra)

I hope you get points! Point checking date december 5th, don't be late!

1 comment:

  1. since no ones putting any comments i'll extent it until people start to put comments.
