Nov 23, 2009

COME HERE! Look at this post!

What was your most embarassing moment ever!
Leave me a comment and i might make a video about it!



  1. Embarrasing moment huh??
    Well one time i was in a barbecue with lot of people and some of my friends and the barbecue ended at 1 oclok in the morning i was so sleepy that when we were all walking to my house i fell in the pool everyone was looking at me it was so embarrasing !!!!

  2. That's not so bad Matilde, I'd give it one out of three percent embarassment :)

  3. I would have loved to see you fall in the pool!
    And my most embarrassing moment in my life was... one of them was when I made this huge mistake on stage while playing piano and then,it is so embarrassing, I was so nervous that my face went all pale and thne peed in my pants!
